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How to Apply for Legal Representation

The Maryland Office of the Public Defender provides representation to those unable to afford an attorney.  A financial qualification is required before services can be provided but the application process can vary depending on the specific services needed.  Follow the links below for further information.

Bond Review Hearing

Any individual arrested will be brought before the district court commissioner for an initial appearance and bond determination. commissioner will offer an application for a Public Defender if there is no attorney already associated with the case. Our offices are notified of the results of these applications. Incarcerated individuals approved for services will automatically be contacted by an attorney from our office prior to the bond review hearing held before a judge.

If you have additional questions or information that you feel would be helpful to the attorney providing bond review services in a specific case, please call the office for the appropriate county or district.

After a Conviction

Accessing additional services for those currently serving a sentence

If you were represented by a Public Defender during your trial, please contact your original attorney to request assistance with modifications of your sentence, appeals, and appropriate referrals to our Appellate and Post-Conviction divisions. If your original attorney is not available, request to speak to an attorney supervisor within that district office about your case.

If you are not already connected to a Public Defender, please review the options below.

Types of Legal Action

Sentence modifications and corrections of illegal sentence are typically addressed in District or Circuit Court, where the sentencing occurred. Complete our online application also used for violations of probation or visit the office nearest you to apply in person.

If you were convicted of a misdemeanor or traffic case in district court, please contact our district offices regarding an appeal in the Circuit Court. The information below applies only to those convicted in Circuit Court, which are handled by our Appellate Division. If you pled guilty or violated your probation, you do not have the right to appeal. You may file an Application for Leave to Appeal. The application must be filed in circuit court within 30 days of your sentencing and must contain reasons why the court should permit you to appeal. Please contact your attorney about this option. If you were represented by a Public Defender, please contact the local office and request a referral to the Appellate Division. If you were represented by private counsel or proceeded pro se: -A Notice of Appeal must be filed within 30 days of your sentencing. Contact your attorney to file this for you. If you did not have an attorney, you may file your own notice of appeal using this template: -If filed pro se, a copy of the Notice to Appeal is provided to our Appellate Division by the courts. After receiving the Notice, our office will contact you to complete a financial qualification. -If your private attorney filed the Notice of Appeal, visit an office near you to apply for services. Whenever possible, have your private attorney complete this form: Criminal or Delinquency: CINA: If you have questions or special circumstances, contact our Appellate Division office.

Please review the following to make sure your situation qualifies for Post Conviction Assistance. In order to qualify for post conviction relief: -The client must be serving a sentence of incarceration, or on parole or probation for that conviction. -A petition must be filed in the circuit court where the client was convicted within 10 years from the date of sentencing. However, if the client was sentenced prior to October 1, 1995, there is no deadline in which to file the petition. The following circumstances do NOT qualify for post conviction: -If your appeal is currently pending before the Court of Special Appeals or the Court of Appeals, you are not entitled to post conviction counsel until the appeal has been concluded. -If you have already had a post conviction that was denied, you do not have the automatic right to another hearing on any subsequently filed post conviction petitions. You also do not have the right to counsel to represent you on subsequent post convictions. You may request Post Conviction assistance before or after a petition is filed. If you file a petition with the courts, our office will reach out to you to complete an application for services. If you wish to apply in advance of filing a petition, you can go to the office nearest you to apply in person, or reach out to our Post Conviction Division directly.

Parole Hearings

No application is needed for parole hearings. Request an attorney at your initial appearance and a Public Defender will be assigned to you for the following hearing.

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