
The Innocence Project Clinic (IPC) screens hundreds of cases annually and seeks to identify individuals who have been convicted in Maryland state courts of crimes they did not commit. IPC provides assistance in the investigation of their claims; and, in appropriate cases, provides representation in post-trial litigation efforts to secure exonerations. In the process, IPC trains students at the University of Baltimore School of Law. Students in IPC interview witnesses, clients and potential clients. They also conduct factual investigation, draft motions and briefs, and negotiate and argue motions in trial courts. IPC students develop skills in interviewing, fact investigation, negotiation and trial preparation, and collaboration and problem-solving. Students have the opportunity to work with experts in the fields of forensic DNA testing, forensic pathology and various other scientific disciplines. The clinic handles cases that involve DNA testing and those cases that rely solely on factual reinvestigation of the underlying crime to obtain exonerating evidence.